Thursday, March 7, 2013

On Boats and Swoon

"One can't not be on a boat."
"I've frequently not been on boats."
- Tom Stoppard

This really has nothing to do with boats. I don't own a boat but I do know a lot of people who do. I don't know anything about how to work a boat or make it go - unless it has a motor (that makes it pretty simple).

There is an artist named Swoon (Google her, she's fantastic). Here are a couple images of her work.

One of her projects was to build a boat, which turned into a flotilla. From what I have read about it, the flotilla was a party on the water, making landfall when they wanted to convert the ships into stages and host concerts. A wicked wonderful idea. Then they somehow got the flotilla across the Atlantic and crashed the Venice Biennale - another wonderful idea. Seriously, Swoon is amazing. I have a huge crush on her.

Ever since I read about it I've wanted to try it. Cruising up to Venice in a crazy boat made of garbage and held together with baling wire while having a flotilla wide jam session. Sometimes people do really cool things. Swoon has a book, it's pretty good. The art is really great but the book, as an object, isn't so hot. Still, worth checking out. Here's the link to Amazon: Swoon's Book

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