Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Person of Interest

I have very few TV shows I like and I like them for various reasons. Grey's Anatomy because of Sandra Oh, The Walking Dead because of zombies (duh), The Mentalist because it's another reinvention of Sherlock Holmes but one in which the Holmes character actually possesses emotions, Elementary because of the Holmes connection and Lucy Liu. Person of Interest works off the same control fantasy as the Mission Impossible series or James Bond.

Harold is a reclusive billionaire who has an almost unmatched mastery of computer technology - his money and his skill with technology allow him to control his environment. Reese is the modern male fantasy of the well-dressed man who knows how to fight, how to dress, and how to handle weapons. It's not a very complicated fantasy world. The ease with which they clone phones, access surveillance cameras and personal computers, capture and manipulate information is a crutch the show relies on a bit too heavily but, fuck, it isn't meant to be Shakespeare. The person on Person of Interest who deserves far more credit than they get is the wardrobe designer. Harold is the best dressed man on TV by a mile.
 Aside from the reddish pocket square, the vest is what captures my attention in this ensemble. It takes guts to match a grey/green vest with a blue-ish suit and purple tie.
 This is a lovely 3 piece with absurdly high peaked lapels. Again, a gutsy move to put a purple pocket square with a red-ish tie and pink oxford stripe.

While looking for images I found a fanpage for Michael Emerson - the actor who plays Harold: you can check it out here. Looking for the Wardrobe Director I found a site where someone who knows a lot more about clothing than I do has dissected the clothing of all the characters, I recommend it. Check it out here.

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